The Hindu, author - 06/02/2009
Human Dilemmas Chronotopia is a multi-media dance production based on a Tamil epic Attakalari
Centre for Movement Arts presents 'Chronotopia', a multi-media dance production choreographed by Jayachandran Palazhy and the dancers at Attakkalari.
Supported by India Foundation for the Arts, the show will have a world premiere at the Attakkalari India Biennial 2009, the international festival of dance and digital art. Chronotopia oscillates between memory and experience, and explores human predicament in a time of rapid changes.
Inspired by the Tamil epic, 'Chilapathikkaram', the piece takes the audience through an episodical journey traversing layers of temporal and physical locations that often defy conventional notions of space and chronology. Anchoring on a central female character represented by three dancers, the piece journeys through rural, urban, historical, contemporary and even mythical contexts. Highly translucent traces of projected images by Chris Ziegler, complemented by an abstracted light installation by Chris Salter and Marje Baalman, create an interactive context for the evocative performance, highlighted by Thomas Dotzler's restrained and refined light design. Intricate choreography by Jayachandran Palazhy (along with the dancers) is set to an original, vibrant and melodic score by French composer Mathias Duplessy, (created in collaboration with Carnatic musicians from Bangalore).
The performance is on February 10 ands 11, at 7.30 p.m. at Ranga Shankara in Bangalore. On February 18, it will be performed at the Music Academy, Chennai at 7.30 p.m. and on February 21 at Ninasam in Heggodu at 7.15 p.m.