Schwetzingen Festival 2004, Rokokotheater, May 19, 2004 by A. Hölszky
text: Ingeborg Bachmann
libretto: Yona Kim
director: Stephan Kimming
singer: Ann-Katrin Naidu, Andreas Scheiner, Birgit Fandrey, Anja Maria Kaftan, Elisabeth Wilke
conducter: Alexander Winterson
stage: Anja Rabes
video: Chris Ziegler

"‚Ä®‚Ä®The plot revolves around Jennifer and Jan, whose romance is mysteriously thwarted by fate in the form of two squirrels, Bill and Frankie, who are in league with the title character. The Good God of Manhattan assumes the right to play the role of destiny and forcibly separate the lovers, since their burning passion runs counter to the rigid norms of order established by the powers that be. A major role is played by a chorus that provides grotesque commentaries. It is a work in which everything seems to be in permanent flow and change." (Jörn Peter Hiekel)

schwetzinger festspiele